Monday, January 5, 2009

And I thought my life couldn't get any busier!!!!!

So Carlie has mastered walking. She walked all over her G &G Brown's house on New Years day. she just kept walking in circle with Clara following close behind. Clara hasn't quite mastered it yet. But she is very determined. They both are very determined. I am amazed at how every time they fall down they just get right back up again. I wish i had such determination today. Yesterday at church Carlie kept escaping the Primary room(which is where I was) and walking down the hall . She made it all the way to the end. She found an open primary door and went inside to join the group. It just happened to be the Sunbeams. A little boy Drake took her hand and kissed it and then gave her a hug and she gave him a huge hug and wouldn't let go. it was the cutest I wish I had a picture of it. Anyways I just thought I would let you know thaty my baby's are growing up too fast for me.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Walking adds a whole new dimension of craziness. Then they run and are SO fast that you literally look away for a few seconds and your house is and to think that we had newborns last year at this time!